Thursday, October 24, 2013

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Lake Malone
Heading to Lake Malone for Committee Meeting

1:00pm, Lake Malone State Park
Agenda: Discussion of the Kentucky State Parks system.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Heading to Frankfort today
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

1:00pm, Annex Room 171
TASK FORCE ON ELECTIONS, CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS, AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS Agenda: RESTORATION OF VOTING RIGHTS: Myrna PĂ©rez, Director, Voting Rights and Elections Project, and Deputy Director, Democracy Program, Brennan Center for Justice - NYU School of Law, Raoul Cunningham, President, NAACP - Louisville Branch, Rev. Dean Bucalos, Kentucky Council of Churches, Michael Hiser, Honey Dozier, and Tayna Fogle, Kentucky Restoration of Voting Rights Coalition; VOTER IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: Hans von Spakovsky, Manager, Election Law Reform Initiative, and Senior Legal Fellow, Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, The Heritage Foundation, James Lewis, Leslie County Clerk, and Elections Committee Chair, Kentucky County Clerk's Association.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Heading to Toyota for a committee meeting today

Thursday, October 17, 2013

1:00pm, Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Inc.
Agenda: Toyota Overview and Update: Advanced Manufacturing Technician Program (AMT)--Bluegrass Community and Technical College; The Lexus Project Announcement at TMMK: Project Overview, Kentucky Incentive for Lexus Project, Wage Assessments Local and State, Local Infrastructure Improvement, Regional Workforce Development; KCTCS/BCTC - Advanced Manufacturing Technology Center - Georgetown Campus at Lanes Run Business. Members: Sen. Alice Forgy Kerr (Co-Chair), Rep. Keith Hall (Co-Chair), Sen. Julian M. Carroll, Sen. Perry B. Clark, Sen. Carroll Gibson, Sen. Chris Girdler, Sen. Denise Harper Angel, Sen. Ernie Harris, Sen. Jimmy Higdon, Sen. Dennis Parrett, Sen. Mike Wilson, Rep. Julie Raque Adams, Rep. Lynn Bechler, Rep. Kevin D. Bratcher, Rep. Larry Clark, Rep. Leslie Combs, Rep. Tim Couch, Rep. Jim DeCesare, Rep. Mike Denham, Rep. Bob M. DeWeese, Rep. Jeffery Donohue, Rep. Myron Dossett, Rep. Jim Gooch, Rep. Jeff Greer, Rep. Mike Harmon, Rep. Richard Heath, Rep. Richard Henderson, Rep. Dennis Horlander, Rep. Dennis Keene, Rep. Thomas Kerr, Rep. Kim King, Rep. Martha Jane King, Rep. Adam Koenig, Rep. Brian Linder, Rep. Tom McKee, Rep. Terry Mills, Rep. David Osborne, Rep. Ruth Ann Palumbo, Rep. John Short, Rep. Arnold Simpson, Rep. John Will Stacy, Rep. Fitz Steele, Rep. Wilson Stone, Rep. Tommy Thompson, Rep. Russell Webber, Rep. Jill York Note: Joint meeting with the IJC on Labor & Industry, at the Toyota North American Production Support Center

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Welcome to the Constitution

During the Government Shutdown, I have been somewhat silent except with friends and family. I tend to stay away from much of the noise that politics has become even though I count myself among those in the Tea Party. However, I find myself compelled to speak briefly on this issue even though this is at the Federal level and I am but a humble servant of the people at the State level.

Whether you are Liberal, Conservative, or Moderate, believe the House Members (and I do mean House not just Republicans) are Terrorist or the Senate has lost their mind, whether the President is kind, caring, and considerate, or Satin himself, there is one thing we should stop to consider and that is our history and more specifically our Constitution. You see our Founders in their infinite wisdom knew there were going to be times we don’t get along (or is that sing a song?) They also know the old saying that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. That is why they set in place a set of checks and balances. Power is shared by three branches of the government, The Executive, The Legislative, and The Judicial. During our short history as a nation, each branch has tried to seize more power than was delegated to it by the Constitution. Our Founders knew this would happen. Many have forgotten, but the check given to Congress and more specifically the House is the power of the purse string. I say the House because Appropriation bills are to start in the House. So whether you agree with what the House is doing or you do not, that power was given specifically to be a necessary check.
Over the last several weeks my wife and I have been retaking the Dave Ramsey course FPU again and we paid for our daughter to take. In the course for personal finance he talks about first taking care of the four walls. He sets those as Food, Shelter, Utilities, and transportation. The controversy over the Government Shutdown will eventually end, but our real problem is just beginning. Although I know governments are a bit different than people, much of the same math applies. If you continue to spend more than you have coming in you either have to borrow or print money. Both options put you into bondage either to another country or to inflation.
As a country, we will soon have to choose our 4 walls, focus on those, and with what is left push to lower and hopefully in some lifetime pay off the debt and unfunded obligations. This will not be fun, but sometime, if not now, we will have to speak to ourselves as Dave speaks to creditors who he can’t pay at the moment. "Give me more.” "No” "Raise the Debt Limit or the world will blow up.” "So” "Raise the Debt Limit or you will lose your next election!” "So”
Don’t misunderstand me. I don’t want the market to crash, people to go hungry, or throw my mother off the cliff. But if we do not grow up, if we give into fear, and fail to address the problems soon, we will have done that anyway all the while claiming that we have built the unsinkable ship. Arrogance is short lived when it hits an inanimate iceberg.
Pray for our country. Love the Lord and love one another.

Friday, October 4, 2013

A Constitutional Minute

7.1 All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other Bills.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

PRESS RELEASE-Rep. Mike Harmon again pre-files bill that would change the election slate on gubernatorial races in Kentucky

Subject: PRESS RELEASE-Rep. Mike Harmon again pre-files bill that would change the election slate on gubernatorial races in Kentucky



Rep. Mike Harmon again pre-files bill that would change the election slate on gubernatorial races in Kentucky Proposal filed for 2014 session would push back selection of running mate until after primary election
FRANKFORT, Ky. (October 3, 2013) –Representative Mike Harmon, R-Danville (54th District) announced today he has again filed legislation that would move the requirement of gubernatorial candidates to select a running mate until after the May primary election. Harmon filed BR 127 for the 2013 session, and previously filed the bill in the 2012 session as House Bill 109.
"My bill would simply adopt the same system we use for presidential elections, which allows parties to select the best candidates for Vice President after the primary elections by allowing gubernatorial candidates to select running mates after securing their party’s nomination,” said Rep. Harmon. "It is my belief this legislation is bipartisan in nature, and I’m hopeful it will gain support and consideration in the upcoming 60-day session.”
The winning gubernatorial candidate for their respective political party would be required to name their running mate and file paperwork with the Secretary of State’s office by 4 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday following Kentucky’s primary election in preparation for the November general election. If the gubernatorial candidate fails to select a running mate by the deadline, the governing body of the candidate’s respective party would then select someone to be their nominee for Lt. Governor and notify the Secretary of State’s office within one week after a vacancy has been declared.
It would also allow a gubernatorial candidate the ability to select a replacement candidate for Lt. Governor on their slate if the original candidate dies, is declared ineligible for the office, or has a severe disabling condition.
For more information on Rep. Harmon’s bill, go to

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I know sometimes we must take time to pause and find ourself. The next time I need to do that I'll know to go to the Pikeville area. And yes as you can see Harmon is to the Right.